Planning for the Entrepreneur or Owner of a Family Business

Can your business survive a heart attack? Will there be a scramble in the wake of your absence? Or will there be a smooth transition into the hands of those who will carry on your reputation in the business community upon the transfer of your business ownership?

Foresight and planning can provide retirement income to a business owner who retires by choice or by incapacitation without forced liquidation, providing fair treatment of the owner’s children and a minimization of estate taxes without the sale of the business to outsiders.

Perhaps your concern is that you are ready to retire from the day-to-day operations of your business, but don’t wish to relinquish control entirely. Or you want your business to survive beyond your disability or death, but don’t know exactly how to deal with the challenges of planning a transition to the next generation.

We’ll give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing you still can preserve your business as it stands today even if you’re not able to defend its future. We’ll match your needs and individual situation with today’s most effective tools for saving money and avoiding conflict, including:

• Self-cancelling installment notes
• Buy-sell agreements
• Private annuities
• Grantor annuity trusts
• Family limited partnerships
• Charitable remainder trusts

And because not every business stays in the family, we can help you fairly treat children active in the business as well as those who have taken another path, all to ensure the future of your business beyond your lifespan.