Certain milestones in life remind us to think of our legacy and the future of our loved ones — the birth of a child, growth of a business, a new marriage, or the death of a family member. But like a lot of busy people, developing a comprehensive estate plan may have gotten pushed to the backburner. Make sure you’re able to protect your family even when you’re no longer here to do so. Don’t leave your legacy in the hands of courts. At Donald L. Sadowski, P.C., an experienced Arlington Heights IL estate planning attorney can help you develop an estate plan that protects your values as well as your assets. We will work with you to facilitate end-of-life decisions and ensure your loved one’s quality of life.

Arlington Heights IL Estate Planning Attorney

Why Is Estate Planning So Important?

Old or young, wealthy or not, a thorough, expertly-crafted estate plan is in your best interests. Here are four purposes estate planning can serve:

  1. Distribute your wealth and property to your loved ones after your death;
  2. Protect and preserve your assets during your life;
  3. Direct your health care and finances if you become disabled or incapacitated; and
  4. Pass on your values and wisdom after you’ve passed.

Whatever you need an estate plan to do, you will need an experienced Arlington IL estate planning attorney to help you create a solid one that addresses your needs. At Donald L. Sadowski, P.C., we can help you design an estate plan that may include:

  • A will, which designates an executor and allocate your assets to loved ones and charities;
  • Trusts, which carry your assets while you live and distributes them to designated beneficiaries after you die;
  • Durable financial and health care powers of attorney, which communicate your preferences should you become incapacitated;
  • A living will, which directs what your doctors can do to and for you; and
  • A business succession plan, which handles your business matters upon death or incapacitation, including self-canceling installment notes and buy-sell agreements.

The longer you put off estate planning, the greater you risk losing control over decisions regarding your assets. Don’t allow yourself, your business, or your loved ones to suffer any unintended consequences that arise from your lack of planning. An Arlington Heights estate planning lawyer can help you construct a well-designed estate plan that gives you valuable peace of mind.

Take Care of Your Children and Loved Ones

Estate planning is especially a priority if you have young children or disabled loved ones in your family. An unexpected disability or death can happen to anyone at anytime. A proper estate plan can make sure your loved ones have some degree of security during a difficult time, giving you the power to:

  • Designate a person you trust to serve as your children’s or loved one’s guardian;
  • Financially support your children or loved one through a trust or another arrangement;
  • Safeguard your children’s or loved one’s assets from potential threats as they grow;
  • Reduce the impact your incapacitation or death will have on their routines; and
  • Minimize the disruption of an inheritance on benefits they may be receiving.

Take Care of Your Business

Estate planning is important if you worked hard to build a thriving business in the Arlington area. If you became incapacitated or pass away, a business succession plan could make sure your business continues to succeed without you. This may involve producing a family limited partnership, private annuities, a buy-sell agreement, self-cancelling installment notes, or trusts.

At Donald L. Sadowski, P.C., we understand the opportunities and challenges that come with transitions of leadership. We can create a succession plan that transfers control to people you trust and guides your business towards continued success.

Helping Arlington Individuals and Families

We have worked with individuals and families at every stage of life in the Arlington area. We have made our process as easy as it can be to suit your busy life.

The first step is to schedule a consultation so we can know more about you and your priorities. Our goal is to build a meaningful attorney-client relationship with you where listening comes before action.

We will work with you to design your estate plan so that it protects your loved ones, business, and assets. Your plan should align with your unique goals and priorities, which will evolve over time. That’s why we offer affordable maintenance plans that will keep your estate plan up to date.

We have built a reputation for personalized, respectful service for a variety of clients, which include:

  • Two-parent and single-parent families;
  • Blended families created through remarriage;
  • Divorcing and divorces couples;
  • Unmarried partners and couples;
  • Families with special needs or a disabled loved one;
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs; and
  • Individuals who want to shield their assets from threats.

Contact an Arlington Heights IL Estate Planning Attorney Today

Start planning your estate now and take control of your future, as well as that of your loved ones. An Arlington Heights IL estate planning attorney at Donald L Sadowski, P.C. can help you get started. We understand our client’s needs and take a holistic approach to your unique situation. We pride ourselves on our practical and purpose-driven estate plans. To learn more about building your estate plan, contact us today.